Not everyone has access to an indoor court, and many people spend much of their time balling outside. Unfortunately, the genuine leather balls that are often used indoors are not appropriate on the harder surfaces people often play on outside. They … [Continue reading]
Best Outdoor Basketball Shoes (2023 Buyers Guide)
Outdoor basketball is essentially no different to indoor basketball, but that doesn’t mean you need all the same equipment. The kinds of sneakers you need when you play outside are significantly different to those you wear inside, and it’s vital that … [Continue reading]
Best Kids Basketball Shoes (2023 Buyers Guide)
Buying a pair of basketball shoes for your kids is an important process. They’re still learning the game, and deciding how much they love it, and a good pair of shoes can make a major difference on how much they enjoy it and how much they can get out … [Continue reading]
Best Mouthguard for Basketball (2023 Buyers Guide)
Whether it be while leaping for a rebound or fighting for a loose ball, your teeth are particularly vulnerable during a game of basketball. Without adequate protection, there’s every chance that a stray elbow ends up costing you a tooth or two, and … [Continue reading]
Best Basketball Shoes (2023 Buyers Guide)
A true baller understands the physicality of the sport and what playing basketball can do to one’s body, as well as the benefits of selecting the best basketball shoes suited for your game. It is no secret that basketball players put a lot of miles … [Continue reading]